Infrared Imaging – Electrical Inspections

At D. RANDALL INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC INC, our experienced and certified infrared thermographers provide infrared inspections of electrical and mechanical systems helping companies reduce costly downtime, increase system reliability, improve efficiency, eliminate escalating repair bills, and provide a safer work environment.

Find it Small

Even big problems start small. With infrared thermography, we will identify issues months – or even years – before they become serious problems, giving our customers the ability to repair or replace equipment and components during normal maintenance cycles while avoiding the hassles, expense and lost production of unscheduled emergencies.

Using non-contact color infrared thermography, our trained experts perform thermographic electrical inspections – without disrupting normal operations – to determine the location and severity of future problems.

Fix it correctly

Our infrared inspection reports completely document the inspection process, from routing to photos of each item that needs action. We will help you understand the likely reason for the problem, and we will provide the information your maintenance crews will need to repair the problem before it escalates into a safety or production issue. We also can perform repairs and provide follow-up inspections to ensure all problems are resolved.

Items Inspected

Our thorough infrared thermography inspections identify hidden problems whenever they may be in your system, such as:

  • Circuit breaker panels
  • Power transformers
  • Motors
  • Motor control centers
  • Bus connections
  • Air compressor, boiler, and cooling system controls

Issues Resolved

We check for:

  • Loose or poor connections
  • Fuse stress
  • Contact wear
  • Phase imbalances
  • Circuit overloading
  • Ground loop current flow
  • Transformer and switch oil level
  • Clogged motor and transformer cooling fans
  • Misalignment of drive couplings